Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009


Songs i heard (randomly) while it's raining outside on my lame saturday.

Pance Pondaag - Untuk sebuah nama
Hujan+Pande Pondaag are always enough to bring up those old memories. Kota duri, krakatau, caltex, cendana, simpang padang, abeng.. dan sosok papa yang lebih muda bertahun-tahun.
NGGAK, papaku masih ada kok guys. it's just, lagu ini sangaaat dia.
papa, do you remember how we like to cruise the duri street at night after night? just to kill times, or spent the family times together. you look so young back then. ya iyaaalaaah, 5 tahun lebih coy!
Duri - kota kecil yang selalu bermakna luar biasa di mata anak-anak Caltex yang besar di dalamnya. There's nothing fancy about Duri, except the memory. Things you can't buy in department store, you know. Lagu Pance ini juga luar biasa. I always miss this record, and keeps playing it whenever i need an extra rendezvous to cheer the day. like today. just like today.

*Kau satu segalanya bagiku, di antara berjuta di sana. Kau saja belahan jiwa ini, tak ingin yang lain di sisiku*

SO7 - Yang terlewatkan
The best of sheila, i guess. Cinta pada pendengaran pertama, if i might say. haha.
Nggak tau apa yang berkesan dengan lagu ini. Aku lagi mencoba mengingat-ingat if i have my own story that suitable with the lyric.. and i don't.
Kurasa aku nggak pernah merasa menyesal karena telah melewatkan seseorang sampai dia jatuh ke tangan yang lain. Untuk urusan saying yes/no, aku belum pernah salah.
Well i guess ini karena masalah lagu aja, dan lagu ini sangat bagus :)

PeterPan - Kisah Cintaku
My papa's favourite song!
Wajib diputar kalo di mobil. Aku juga sukaaa ^^
Klise ya klise laah.
Video klipnya juga a heartrobbing hahahhahaa..


sengaja kapital semua. soalnya ini di bagian klimaksnya haha.
PUNCAK gituu.. biar yang ngebaca juga berasa aura arielnya, wkwk.

Kalo ntar aku buat film, ini salah satu lagu yang WAJIB masuk.
I already have the perfect picture for the scene :)

Hello - Ular Berbisa
Oh c'moooonnn.. what's wrong with this song anyway? haha give 'em a break will ya? i love it! :D
*aku tertipu, aku terjebak muslihatmu.* trus ada sound-sound techno nanggung yang sangat addicting, haha..

*aku tertipuuuuuu.. dan aku terjeba~haaakk.*

LAGI, LAGIII!!!! hahahhaha..

SO7 - Tunjukkan Padaku
Lagu ini sooo junior high, haha.
Jadi OST pas aku lagi suka-suka nya with this one particular boy.

Oh man, kalau saja kalian tau ceritanya. I like this boy for almost 5 years! And i kept it really really good, even my bff didn't know it.

And the weird part is, after the boy FINALLY ask me to be his girlfriend, i said NO.
Masa-masa PDKT dia, is the one thing i'll never forget.
Mungkin menjadi pacarnya bukanlah sesuatu yang kucari, but finally knowing that he feel the same thing for me is already a gold trophy :)
And that's the far-est picture i wanna get with him.
The 5 years has been paid of.

end of story.

ST 12 - Cari pacar lagi
Hahahhahahhahahha kenapa juga dengan band alay?
what's wrong emangnya dengan musik melayu?
They're fun to sing with. haha.

Kayak lagu ini. Sangat jujur dan apa adanya.
Sayangnya band-band alay ini kurang di-packaging aja, oh and style.
Hahahahhaa.. udah ah.
ST 12 and semua band-band alay, you go guys!

Ini BUKAN rekomendasi yaa. Hanya beberapa lagu yang tiba-tiba menguak cerita aja.
Kasihanilah saya, the one who spent a lame saturday.
what else can i do?!

BUT.. i give you the link, see if you curious with some of the songs.
Eh yang Pance, recomended deh! Bagus :)

See you on a more brightful, joyful, and haha meaningful story.

Screw you SABTU!

i hate my saturday
soo lame.
no no, not because i'm single or things like that.
geez, i'm not that shallow.

i hate when i can't do meaning things on that day.
ketika waktu terbang begitu cepat, dan aku bahkan nggak tau udah ngapain aja.
i wish i could be those people, yang sangat terjadwal dan bisa memaksimalkan every second of their time.

but i'm not that scheduled person.
schedule makes life boring, i guess.
beh, tapi ntah lah. aku rasa pemikiranku yang ini belum absolut.
kurasa dengan semakin dewasanya aku nanti, aku akan TERBIASA untuk menghargai yang namanya waktu.

jadi sabtu ini, hujan seharian.
well nggak seharian juga, dari jam 4 tadi sih. tapi yah bisa saja kita bilang seharian.
i mean, ini sabtu. dan nyawa hari yang satu ini baru dimulai dari jam 3 sore ke atas.

untunglah. hujan is always good.
lagian nggak peduli juga. mo hujan atau kering kerontang, still aku nggak bisa ngapa-ngapain juga.

i TRIED SOOOOO HARD to focus on my summary for audit sia.
a big zero. aku bahkan sudah ngantuk di baris ke lima.
so much untuk lulus dengan IPK terhormat.

aku cuma cuma cuma pengen sesuatu yang berbeda.
aku pengen belajar bikin video klip!
atau buat film! buat novel!
aku pengen berkaryaaaa!!!!

ok ok.
ketawalah kalian. TERSERAH.
but that's my dream.

hey i'm good at it.
DULU ketika semua masih memfasilitasi, i'm good on making a play (drama, red) and novel.
KOMPUTER AJA RUSAK. aku nggak bisa bergerak. it is like my second brain.
but who can believe it now?

vani si lemot.


komputerku, cepatlah yang baruuu.
Sabtu ini terlalu panjang untuk kulewati tanpamu :(

Kamis, 30 April 2009


i call this day as my blogging day.
berjuta-juta kali internetan tetap aja nggak sempat-sempat update blog.
blame facebook for the addict that it gave (haha!)

what's on my brain today?
i keep asking that.
ditemani dengan lagu-lagu mp3 putaran mbak-mbak warnet ini benar-benar bikin mandek.
tadi diputarnya Maia - Pengkhianat Cinta, aku langsung ter-pump buat nulis sesuatu yang lucu. but then, masuk lagu Joeniar arif - Rapuh, aku langsung mellow nggak jelas.
beh. pengen kusepak kakak tu dari meja operatornya.

wuaaa.. suddenly aku kangen banget banget ama komputerku.
and list of my goodness mp3s & videos - ok, now this biyatch playing Reza Artamevia's song! ARRRGHH.

fokus! fokus! fokus!

dasar monitor bodat.
aduh cepat sembuh ya komputer sayang. walau sepertinya si mama senang dengan mati surinya dirimu (sebab menghemat listrik jadinya), tapi aku akan terus mendoakan kembalinya dirimu. i hope the new one, hahhahahaa..

aku juga mo cerita-cerita ni.
i just join TWITTER. which is i completely lost the way to use it.
sangat.. sangat simpel. haha..
but then, siapa pun yang baca, follow me in:

eh mbak-mbak operator ini barusan mutar lagu yang lumayan lucu.
sering sih aku dengar di radio, but have no idea siapa yg nyanyi.
*there's only ONE thing, TWO say, THREE words, 4 you.. i love youuu*

siapa ya yang nyanyi? ahahaha.. agak jijik juga ya liriknya.
tapi suka ^^

oya, hari ini saya tidak kuliah.
hore horeee - dosennya pada lokakarya.
Tuhan, terima kasih! :)

sangat menyenangkan bisa off dari dunia per-kampus-an walau sehari.
ya seperti yang sedang saya jalani sekarang.
kampus itu, apa ya.. behh. males lah.
apalagi di posisi saya yg bahkan belum menyentuh proses penskripsian, sedang teman-teman sibuk membahas topik skripsinya dan saling adu-adu dosen pembimbing siapa yang paling killer.

ah gak papa.
semangat vanie!
ingat itu terus, dan putar itu dalam otakmu setiap kali kau kehilangan semangat.

uohh. cem nyemangatin apa aja?!
aku masi mahasiswa 4 tahun ya, belum yang 6 tahun itu.
jadi biasaaa ajaaa!!!

ok, kayaknya cerita sampai di sini aja hari ini.
banyak tugas yang perlu dipandang-pandangi.
belum lagi lagu mbak-mbak operator ini bikin mual :
*cinta jangan kau pergi.. cinta jangan kau lari. tinggalkan kusendiri.. bla bla*
(diulangi sampe mampus)

di luar juga uda reda hujannya.
temans, enjoy my greatest story of today hahahaha..

love, love :)

INGAT, jam 11 malam di Indosiar ya.
nonton FULL HOUSE kita bareng-bareng. yyukk mari.. ^^

(diiringi lagu itali-itali seriosa yang skrg diputar mbak operator ini)


aw aw..
so happy they roll the series again ^^
FULL HOUSE everyone!
it's like jaman-jaman SMA.
perjuangan mesti buru-buru pulang buat nonton, atau maksa nongkrong di tempat makan yang bisa mutar kalo-kalo nggak bisa pulang cepat.
hahhaa.. damn, i love it!

terserah, mo dibilang lebay, klise, cewek banget..
man, gue gak peduli! hahahaha..
and btw,
Lee Young-jae a.k.a Rain is definitely a heartrob!
i'm thinking about putting his picture to my profile picture in facebook ^^

just to remind you, the cast:
Han Ji-eun: Song Hye Kyo (All in/Guardian Angel/Autumn Story)
Lee Young-jae (movie star): Bi a.k.a Rain (Sang-doo)
Kang Hye-won (daughter of friend of Young-jae's dad): Han Eun Jung (Scent of a man)
Yoo Min-hyuk: Kim Sung Soo

so people, stay tune --> at 11.00 pm in Indosiar


Sabtu, 25 April 2009

Recently I've..

been thinking a lot, which is good.
about everything. the past, present, and the future.
how i'm picturing myself in about 5 years later :)

some of my friends will graduate this monday, congratulation for all of them.

sedikit nyesak sebenarnya melihat kawan seperjuangan telah menapaki one-step-ahead path.
they can start thinking about job carreer meanwhile i'm still struggling with my marks.
but it's a-okay!

aku yakin semua orang memiliki jalan masing-masing.

gotta go then, au revoir!

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009

Recommendation of Movies for this week

I've been saving some list of must-seen-movies to watch. Most of them not new and from 90's, but i bet you'll love it. So grab your popcorn, take a sit in those lazy sofa, and prove it!

1. Pretty Woman (1990)
best quote:
[Kit is trying to cheer up Vivian]
Vivian: Tell me one person who it's worked out for.
Kit: What, you want me to name someone? You want like a name? Oh, God, the pressure of a name... I got it. Cindafuckin'rella!

Vivian: So, what's your name?
Edward Lewis: Edward.
Vivian: Really? That's my favorite name in the whole world.

[after meeting Vivian]
Elizabeth Stuckey: She's wonderful! Where ever did you find her?
Edward Lewis: 976-BABE.

Edward Lewis: Impossible relationships. My special gift is impossible relationships.

2. You've Got Mail (1998)
best quote:
Frank: What about you, is there someone else?
Kathleen Kelly: No. No, but... but there's the dream of someone else.

Joe Fox: Kevin, this is possibly the most adorable creature I've ever been in contact with, and if she turns out to be as good looking as a mailbox... I would be crazy enough to turn my life upside down and marry her.

Kathleen Kelly: I love daisies.
Joe Fox: You told me.
Kathleen Kelly: They're so friendly. Don't you think daisies are the friendliest flower?

Joe Fox: It wasn't... personal.
Kathleen Kelly: What is that supposed to mean? I am so sick of that. All that means is that it wasn't personal to you. But it was personal to me. It's *personal* to a lot of people. And what's so wrong with being personal, anyway?
Joe Fox: Uh, nothing.
Kathleen Kelly: Whatever else anything is, it ought to begin by being personal.

Joe Fox: Brinkley is my dog. He loves the streets of New York as much as I do. Although he likes to eat bits of pizza and bagels off the sidewalk and I prefer to buy them.

Kathleen Kelly: What will NY152 say today I wonder. I turn on my computer. I wait impatiently as it connects. I go online, and my breath catches in my chest until I hear three little words: You've got mail. I hear nothing. Not even a sound on the streets of New York, just the beating of my own heart. I have mail. From you.

Joe Fox: Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address. On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms.

3. The Holiday (2006)
best quote:

Iris: Because you're hoping you're wrong. And every time she does something that tells you she's no good, you ignore it. And every time she comes through and suprises you, she wins you over, and you lose that argument with yourself, that she's not for you.
Miles: Exactly, and on top of that there's the old standby, I can't believe a girl like that would actually be with a guy like me.

Miles: Iris, if you were a melody... I used only the good notes.

Arthur Abbott: Iris, in the movies we have leading ladies and we have the best friend. You, I can tell, are a leading lady, but for some reason you are behaving like the best friend.
Iris: You're so right. You're supposed to be the leading lady of your own life, for god's sake! Arthur, I've been going to a therapist for three years, and she's never explained things to me that well. That was brilliant. Brutal, but brilliant.

Miles: [playing the keyboard and improv-singing with Iris] Oh my God, we both said 'fruitily'!

Iris: I have found almost everything ever written about love to be true. Shakespeare said, "Journeys end in lovers meeting." What an extraordinary thought.

Graham: I have the classic male problem of no follow through. Absolutely never remember to call after a date - but as this wasn't a date, I guess I'm off the hook.

Graham: Long distance relationships can work, you know.
Amanda: Really? I can't make one work when I live in the same house with someone.


Amanda: Sex makes everything more complicated. Even not having it, because the not having it... makes it complicated.
Graham: That's why it's better to have it... some say.

4. The Terminal (2004)
best quote:
Frank Dixon: Sometimes you land a small fish. You unhook him very carefully. You place him back in the water. You set him free so that somebody else can have the pleasure of catching him.

Frank Dixon: I'm talking about bombs. I'm talking about human dignity. I'm talking about human rights. Viktor, please don't be afraid to tell me that you're afraid of Krakhozia.
Viktor Navorski: Is home. I am not afraid from my home.
Viktor Navorski: So?
Frank Dixon: [whispering] All right.
Viktor Navorski: I go to New York City now?
Frank Dixon: No.
Viktor Navorski: No? Uh... Okay. I'm uh... I'm uh... I'm afraid from ghosts.
Frank Dixon: Okay, thanks very much!
Viktor Navorski: I'm afraid from, uh... Dracula!
Frank Dixon: Thanks a lot. Thanks, Viktor!
Viktor Navorski: [as he is escorted outside] Afraid from Wolfmens, afraid from sharks!
Frank Dixon: It's okay. Thank you Viktor! Thanks a lot!

Amelia: I have to go.
Viktor Navorski: I have to stay.
Amelia: Story of my life.
Viktor Navorski: Me too.

Amelia: I've been waiting my whole life, I just don't know what the hell for.

Viktor Navorski: Eat to bite... bite to eat, bite to eat, bite to eat, bitetoeat bitetoeat bitetoeatbitetoeatbitetoeatbitetoeat

Amelia: I usually read history books. They're long and cheap and usually about men killing each other.

Frank Dixon: You could have any man you wanted... why Viktor Navorski?
Amelia: That's something a man like you could *never* hope to understand.

Joe Mulroy: Why do you think he'll leave?
Frank Dixon: Because he slipped through and fell in a crack. Nobody likes staying in a crack because they're nothing. Nobody likes to be stuck in a crack.

5. Hanging Up (2000)
best quote:
Maddy Mozell: You always ignore me! ever since i was 7 years old for Halloween and i dressed up as a carrot and you two snuck off without me. I'm just as much a part of this family as either of you... AND I WANNA FIGHT!
Eve Mozell Marks, Georgia Mozell: FINE!

6. Dancing at the Harvest Moon

7. Charlie Bartlett (2007)
best quote:
Principal Gardner: Charlie, there are more important things than popularity!
Charlie Bartlett: Like what? Cause I'm seventeen. And right now, popularity's pretty damn important!
Principal Gardner: Like what you do with that popularity

Dr. Stan Weathers: You don't feel normal?
Charlie Bartlett: My Family has a psychiatrist on call, how normal can I be?

Marilyn Bartlett: Well maybe there's more to high school than being well liked.
Charlie Bartlett: Like what specifically?
Marilyn Bartlett: [thinks for a second] Nothing comes to mind.

Charlie Bartlett: I guess I should tell you about the first time I had my period. My daddy was driving me back from summer camp, and I turned to him and said, "Daddy, I think I'm sloughing!" And he said, "That's nice hunny." And I realized, that he had like, *no idea*, what sloughing meant! So I explained to him, that it meant blood was gushing from my you know where! And he nearly wrecked the car, trying to hand me a wad of fast food napkins, which is not something you'd want to particularly stick up your hooch!

8. Grease (1978)
best quote:
Vince: It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's what you do with your dancin' shoes.

Jan: You mean you're dropping out?
Frenchy: I don't look at it as dropping out! I look at it as a very strategic career move.

Leo, Scorpions member: The rules are... there ain't no rules!

Sandy: Your a fake and a phony and I wish I never laid eyes on you.

Marty: Do you think these glasses make me look smarter?
Rizzo: No, you can still see your face.

Sandy: Frenchie, I don't feel so good.
Rizzo: Think of it this way if she screws you up she can always fix your hair so your ears don't show.

9. Cruel Intentions (1999)
best quote:
Kathryn: Everybody loves me, and I intend to keep it that way.

Sebastian: Why can't we be together?
Annette: You wanna know why? Because I don't trust myself with you.

Kathryn: [referring to Annette] She's really getting to you, isn't she?
Sebastian: If you must know, yes. I can't stand that holier-than-thou bullshit, and yet, I'm completely infatuated with her.
Sebastian: She made me laugh.

Sebastian: E-mail is for geeks and pedophiles.

Annette: I'm impressed.
Sebastian: Well, I'm in love.

Kathryn: Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. When I'm through with Cecile, she'll be the premiere tramp of the New York area.

Sebastian: It's not like you have a husband - unless you're married to Jesus.

Gretchen (a hooker): Books are for fags.
Sebastian: Books are for fags? Then weep for the future.

Annette: How can someone so charming be so manipulative?

10. Cheaters (2000)
best quote:
Dr. Gerald Plecki: Benjamin Franklin said: "The only way 3 people can keep a secret is if 2 of them are dead". Let's see if we can prove him wrong.

Jolie Fitch: Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing.

Dr. Gerald Plecki: Do you think Bill Gates fired the guys who brought him the Apple Operating system code? He probably promoted them.

If you guys had recommendation too, why don't you drop me some lines? It would be great :)